Monday, February 15, 2010

Picture of the Day

So I'd like to introduce you all to Becky. She is amazing, Beautiful, SEXY like no one's business, kind, patient, funny, talented..and I could go on and on and on. This is a picture from her wedding(obviously), one in which I had never seen before she put it up on her blog.( Ok so I totally stole this picture from Becky's blog...but it's only because I don't have a picture of the two of us...I know it's crazy, but I didn't own a camera when I was in college so I have no pictures from that time except from other people) Becky and I met while I was in Salt Lake attending college. Let me tell you the was September 5, 2003 and our ward was going on a trip to bear lake. I had decided to drive up to Logan to visit my friend, Heidi, as it was her birthday and she was attending college at Utah State in Logan, which happened to be on the way to Bear Lake. So after stopping to see Heidi, I was on my way to the lake, once arrived I didn't know a lot of people but I was introduced to this delightful girl named Becky...and since then we've laughed, we've cried, we've shared secrets, we've stayed up late talking, we've been roommates and we've moved across the country from one another. But through all this she has been so loyal and caring. I couldn't imagine my life without Becky and I just thought that I'd share that all with you today. So if you have a friend like my Becky, then count yourself lucky and dedicate a post to them to tell them how much you love them. It's fun and plus yesterday was valentine's's just the season.
So here's to you Becky Sexy Wallace Jensen! You are LOVED AND MISSED!!!


Jake said...

so sharon, when are we expecting your announcement?

Sharon said...

ha ha jake....any day now..put it in the mail yesterday...let me know what you think when you get it...

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I just love you. You are the bestest.

Sharon said...

You are the bestest too Becky!