I am totally in love with Jim Craig. Yes, I know he is a fictional character but I can't help it. He is amazing! If you don't know who this man is then I'm really sorry because you should! He is the main character from the movies The Man from Snowy River and Return to Snow River. And I've decided he's the perfect man. I mean come on! What else could a girl ask for? He's beautiful, smart, independent, hard working, resepctful, caring, polite, can fight when he needs to, can ride a horse with the best of them cowboys and he's just a good man. Seriously if you haven't watched the movie ya should. First off, I love horses! I have loved them all of my life. My favorite movies always have horses in them..I can't help it. And Jim Craig is just amazing with them! He can train a wild horse and a wild colt with ease. He is independent..he lives by himself up in the mountains for goodness sakes! He is an extremely hard worker and never stops. He knows the difference between right and wrong. He knows what he wants. He treats women with the upmost respect. He fights for what he believes in even when others around him don't believe in him. He can show up any other man around for miles and miles and miles. He will stand up to fathers who live in the dark ages and believe that women should be in the house in dresses looking decorative. He puts the woman in his life first and makes sure that she is taken care of. He treats her like an equal! Which is one of the most beautiful things about him. A man that treats his partner as his equal in everything that they do together gets an A+ in my book. Anything he does, she does with him. He is just amazing and if you don't see that then you are wrong. Jim Craig is beautiful! Any man that can ride a horse like he can is......AAAAHHHHHH!!! (deep sigh) I love Jim Craig. I just can't help it. :-)